Antioxidant Berry Smoothie

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are ‘super power’ molecules in foods that work to ‘neutralise’ the damaging ‘free radicals’ (unstable molecules) from environment, processed foods, health, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. Free radicals damage healthy cells, tissues and membranes and can lead to premature aging, inflammation and increased wear and tear to the body.

The power of Antioxidants are measured in Nutrition using the ORAC Score. Natural foods with deep colours are a good indicator of a high antioxidant food (Fruits, Vegetables, Sea Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Pulses, Spices, Dried Fruit, Grains contain powerful Antioxidants)

INGREDIENTS per serving:

  • 75g blueberries (TIP: Buy frozen fruits, easy to stock up on a variety to have on standby!)
  • 1 tbsp of Greek Style Natural Yogurt (Adds thickness)
  • Juice of ½ apple and chunk ginger (If you don’t have a juicer, just blend the ½ apple and leave out the ginger OR use ½ tsp of ginger powder
  • ½ Banana (I use the remaining half of banana for a mid-morning snack with 1-2 tsp of nut butter)
  • 50g (2 handfuls of washed spinach leaves)
  • 100ml -200ml hazelnut / coconut milk or nutmilk of your choice
  • 1 tsp of pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tsp wheatgrass powder


  • Put all ingredients into a blender and serve when they are all liquid 
  • Sprig of mint / fresh blueberries for an INSTA finish!